Amen brothers and sisters Tonight's program begins in a gentle contemplative mood and ends up with some obstreperous cut-up noise for your religious holiday enjoyment. Plus a bonus song from the Satellite of Love. Namaste!
Performer [Composer]
Album [Format]
Misc –
BED:Music Played While Talking
LIVE:Live Interview or Performance
NEW:New Release
( ):Label, Year Rec/Rel
“The Cleaners from Venus are these four 67 year-old guys in a band who dress the same and look a bit like each other. ... They often spend their free time in prayer and quiet contemplation trying to atone for a shared guilt which they find very difficult to process.”
Negativland played live at the Middle East club in Cambridge on Aug. 1, 2007. They performed "IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD FM" -- derived from their long-running "Over The Edge" radio program -- on a public stage in front of a live audience for the first time, after 25 years on the air -- and WMBR aired the show near-live (via cassettes bicycled through the streets of Cambridge). Especially nice to play for Christmas.